ISTQB Exam Center

Best Place for doing Software Testing Course and Certification Exams.

IICT, Chennai provides real-time and placement focused manual testing training . Our manual software testing course includes basic to advanced level and our manual testing course is designed to get the placement in good MNC companies as quickly as once you complete the manual testing iqstb certification training course. Our manual testing trainers are manual software testing certified experts and 8 years experienced working professionals with hands on real time multiple Manual Testing projects knowledge. We have designed our manual testing course content and syllabus based on students requirement to achieve everyone's career goal.

Our manual software testing training center is equipped with lab facilities and excellent infrastructure. Through our manual testing training center, we have trained more than 30 manual testing students and provided 78 percent placement. Our manual software testing course fee is value for money and tailor-made course fee based on the each student's training requirements. manual testing training conducted on day time classes, weekend training classes, evening batch classes and fast track training classes.

Book Exam for ISTQB Exam - ITB

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Book Exam for ISQI

Training Batchs

Weekdays Training 01-03-2025 31-03-2025 Monday - Friday
Weekend Days Training 01-02-2025 31-03-2025 Saturday - Sunday
Fast Track Training 01-03-2025 16-03-2025 Monday - Friday

The Foundation Level Syllabus forms the basis for the International Software Testing Qualification at the Foundation Level.


List of Available ISTQB Foundation Level Certifications:


  1. Certified Tester
  2. Agile Tester


The International Software Testing Qualifications Board® (ISTQB®) provides it to the national examination bodies for them to accredit the training providers and to derive examination questions in their local language.

Training providers will produce courseware and determine appropriate teaching methods for accreditation, and the syllabus will help candidates in their preparation for the examination.


The Certified Tester Foundation Level in Software Testing


The Foundation Level qualification is aimed at anyone involved in software testing. This includes people in roles such as testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers and software developers.

This Foundation Level qualification is also appropriate for anyone who wants a basic understanding of software testing, such as project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors and management consultants. Holders of the Foundation Certificate will be able to go on to a higher level software testing qualification.

Enroll in the course and become a istqb certified tester foundation level (ctfl) today!

The Agile Tester Extension is based on the ISTQB® Agile Tester Extension Syllabus.

The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB®) provides it to the national examination bodies for them to accredit the training providers and to derive examination questions in their local language.

Training providers will produce courseware and determine appropriate teaching methods for accreditation, and the syllabus will help candidates in their preparation for the examination.

To receive the Agile Tester Extension certification, candidates must hold the Foundation Certificate.

The Model-Based Tester Extension is based on the ISTQB® Model-Based Tester Extension Syllabus.

The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB®) provides it to the national examination bodies for them to accredit the training providers and to derive examination questions in their local language.

Training providers will produce courseware and determine appropriate teaching methods for accreditation, and the syllabus will help candidates in their preparation for the examination.

To receive the Model-Based Tester Extension certification, candidates must hold the Foundation Certificate.

The Advanced Level Syllabus form the basis for the International Software Testing Qualification at the Advanced Level Level.

The International Software Testing Qualifications Board® (ISTQB®) provides it to the national examination bodies for them to accredit the training providers and to derive examination questions in their local language.


List of Available ISTQB Advanced Level Certifications:


  1. Advanced Test Analyst
  2. Advanced Technical Test Analyst
  3. Advanced Test Manager


Training providers will produce courseware and determine appropriate teaching methods for accreditation, and the syllabus will help candidates in their preparation for the examination.

The Advanced Level qualification is aimed at people who have achieved an advanced point in their careers in software testing. This includes people in roles such as testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers and software developers.

This Advanced Level qualification is also appropriate for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of software testing, such as project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors and management consultants.

To receive an Advanced Level certification, candidates must hold the Foundation Certificate and satisfy the Exam Board which examines them that they have sufficient practical experience to be considered Advanced Level qualified. Refer to the relevant Exam Board to understand their specific practical experience criteria.

Expert Level


Expert Level provides in-depth, practically-oriented certification courses in a range of different testing subjects. Courses provided at Expert Level build on the knowledge and experience obtained at the Advanced Level.


Expectations: What is an Expert?


An expert is a person with the special skills and knowledge representing mastery of a particular testing subject. Being a testing expert means possessing and displaying special skills and knowledge derived from training and experience and being able to apply that knowledge in real-life situations.

A testing expert is one that combines a broad understanding of testing in general with an in-depth understanding in a special test area. An in-depth understanding means sufficient knowledge of testing theory and practice to be able to influence the direction that an organization and/or project takes when creating, implementing and executing testing activities related to the special area.


Focus on practical application

Each syllabus defines the expectations of an expert in that specific subject area. The content is supported by explicit Learning Objectives which emphasise the high expectations of a testing expert.

At least 50% of the course time will be spent on practical exercise and discussions.

ISTQB Certification Training Benefits

  • My batch sizes are generally very small size 5-7 members OR 1 to 1 also, so students receive direct, hands-on training from us.
  • 100% practical training only. It is not a slide show training program / theory class program. At the end of this class, definitely you will refer your colleagues / friends / relatives for my training.
  • Conducting regularly online- training for US peoples in all time zones (PST,CST,EST,HST,MST)
  • Installation of Softwares in your desktop / laptop will be done.
  • Will be provided self evaluation testing software, exam simulator, dumps & books with this training.
  • Continuous support is provigreeded for any of your on-site problems. assistance will be provided and you will be recommended to some of IT development firms.

ISTQB Certification Corporate Training

Private Bootcamps

You have a team that already understands your company. We’ll enhance their skills and transform them into being able to extract actionable insights from your company’s data.

  • Hosted at a location convenient to you
  • Caters to a large group of employees from the same organization
  • Inlcudes our popular five-day Curriculam

Customized Training

We understand that your business is unique. Customize the Curriculam to deepen your team’s ISTQB Certification capability, be it a particular domain or a technology that you want to focus on.

  • Comprehensive needs assessment
  • Dedicated support for designing a training that meets your needs
  • Includes industry and company specific datasets and projects

ISTQB Certification Training with Interview Preparation

  • Mock interviews
  • Technical interview questions
  • What should be the idealistic answers.
  • Right approach of answering questions in interview.
  • Self assessment module to check your progress.

ISTQB Certification Training with Effective Resume Building

  • Do’s and Don’ts of Resumes.
  • How to describe your project?
  • How experienced resume is different from fresher.
  • How to build resume for Career switch from Non-IT to IT.
  • What are top 7 ways of building effective resumes?

ISTQB Certification Training with Job Placement Assistance

  • Know where to apply for jobs?
  • Right way of applying for jobs?
  • Understand how to get freelancing and part time jobs
  • Know how to get startup and flexible jobs?

ISTQB Certification Online Training

IICT Technologys is going to start a new job-oriented ISTQB certification training course in software testing (QA)/ BA/ ISTQB (certification) training program and Selenium training program for Non-IT & IT candidates. We offer a combo QA/ BA/ ISTQB course where the students can learn the concepts of QA and BA in the same program without any additional effort. This also gives the flexibility to the students to choose the best career option -- QA or BA at the end of the ISTQB certification classes .

Conducting regularly online- training for US peoples in all time zones (PST,CST,EST,HST,MST) My training is 100% Money Back Guarantee (Tuition fee) for Passing Online Examination with cent percent and ready to go live with production system immediately. If my training does not satisfy you at any point of time, even during the training period, you need not pay the tuition fee.

100% practical training only. It is not a slide show training program / theory class program. At the end of this class, definitely you will refer your colleagues / friends / relatives for my training.



Frequenty Asked Questions


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