Hadoop Training

Hadoop Training

IICT Training Institute, provides real-time and placement focused Hadoop Training. Our Hadoop Training Course includes basic to advanced level and our Hadoop course is designed to get the placement in good MNC companies as quickly as once you complete the Hadoop courses with placement. Our Hadoop trainers are Hadoop certified experts and experienced working professionals with hands on real time multiple Hadoop projects knowledge. We have designed our Hadoop course content and syllabus based on students requirement to achieve everyone's career goal. In our Hadoop training program, you will learn from the scratch to advanced level along with Hadoop real time project and Hadoop placement training.

Training Batchs

Weekdays Training 01-03-2025 31-03-2025 Monday - Friday
Weekend Days Training 01-02-2025 31-03-2025 Saturday - Sunday
Fast Track Training 01-03-2025 16-03-2025 Monday - Friday

Syllabus of Hadoop Course

Apache Hadoop

  • Introduction to Big Data & Hadoop Fundamentals
  • Dimensions of Big data
  • Type of Data generation
  • Apache ecosystem & its projects
  • Hadoop distributors
  • HDFS core concepts
  • Modes of Hadoop employment
  • HDFS Flow architecture
  • HDFS MrV1 vs. MrV2 architecture
  • Types of Data compression techniques
  • Rack topology
  • HDFS utility commands
  • Min h/w requirements for a cluster & property files changes

Module 2   (Duration :03:00:00)

MapReduce Framework

Goal: In this module, you will understand the Hadoop MapReduce framework and the working of MapReduce on data stored in HDFS. You will understand concepts like Input Splits in MapReduce, Combiner & Partitioner and Demos on MapReduce using different data sets.

Objectives – Upon completing this module, you should be able to understand MapReduce involves processing jobs using the batch processing technique.

  • MapReduce can be done using Java programming.
  • Hadoop provides with Hadoop-examples jar file which is normally used by administrators and programmers to perform testing of the MapReduce applications.
  • MapReduce contains steps like splitting, mapping, combining, reducing, and output.


Introduction to MapReduce

  • MapReduce Design flow
  • MapReduce Program (Job) execution
  • Types of Input formats & Output Formats
  • MapReduce Datatypes
  • Performance tuning of MapReduce jobs
  • Counters techniques

Module 3   (Duration :03:00:00)

Apache Hive

Goal: This module will help you in understanding Hive concepts, Hive Data types, Loading and Querying Data in Hive, running hive scripts and Hive UDF.

Objectives – Upon completing this module, you should be able to understand Hive is a system for managing and querying unstructured data into a structured format.

  • The various components of Hive architecture are metastore, driver, execution engine, and so on.
  • Metastore is a component that stores the system catalog and metadata about tables, columns, partitions, and so on.
  • Hive installation starts with locating the latest version of the tar file and downloading it in the Ubuntu system using the wget command.
  • While programming in Hive, use the show tables command to display the total number of tables.


Introduction to Hive & features

  • Hive architecture flow
  • Types of hive tables flow
  • DML/DDL commands explanation
  • Partitioning logic
  • Bucketing logic
  • Hive script execution in shell & HUE

Module 4   (Duration :03:00:00)

Apache Pig

Goal: In this module, you will learn Pig, types of use case we can use Pig, tight coupling between Pig and MapReduce, and Pig Latin scripting, PIG running modes, PIG UDF, Pig Streaming, Testing PIG Scripts. Demo on healthcare dataset.

Objectives – Upon completing this module, you should be able to understand Pig is a high-level data flow scripting language and has two major components: Runtime engine and Pig Latin language.

  • Pig runs in two execution modes: Local mode and MapReduce mode. Pig script can be written in two modes: Interactive mode and Batch mode.
  • Pig engine can be installed by downloading the mirror web link from the website: pig.apache.org.


  • Introduction to Pig concepts
  • Pig modes of execution/storage concepts
  • Pig program logics explanation
  • Pig basic commands
  • Pig script execution in shell/HUE

Module 5   (Duration :03:00:00)

Goal: This module will cover Advanced HBase concepts. We will see demos on Bulk Loading, Filters. You will also learn what Zookeeper is all about, how it helps in monitoring a cluster, why HBase uses Zookeeper.

Objectives – Upon completing this module, you should be able to understand HBaseha’s two types of Nodes—Master and RegionServer. Only one Master node runs at a time. But there can be multiple RegionServersat a time.

  • The data model of Hbasecomprises tables that are sorted by rows. The column families should be defined at the time of table creation.
  • There are eight steps that should be followed for the installation of HBase.
  • Some of the commands related to HBaseshell create, drop, list, count, get, and scan.


Apache Hbase

  • Introduction to Hbase concepts
  • Introduction to NoSQL/CAP theorem concepts
  • Hbase design/architecture flow
  • Hbase table commands
  • Hive + Hbase integration module/jars deployment
  • Hbase execution in shell/HUE

Module 6   (Duration :02:00:00)

Goal: Sqoop is an Apache Hadoop Eco-system project whose responsibility is to import or export operations across relational databases. Some reasons to use Sqoop are as follows:

  • SQL servers are deployed worldwide
  • Nightly processing is done on SQL servers
  • Allows to move a certain part of data from traditional SQL DB to Hadoop
  • Transferring data using the script is inefficient and time-consuming
  • To handle large data through Ecosystem
  • To bring processed data from Hadoop to the applications

Objectives – Upon completing this module, you should be able to understand Sqoop is a tool designed to transfer data between Hadoop and RDBs including MySQL, MS SQL, Postgre SQL, MongoDB, etc.

  • Sqoop allows the import data from an RDB, such as SQL, MySQL or Oracle into HDFS.


Apache Sqoop

  • Introduction to Sqoop concepts
  • Sqoop internal design/architecture
  • Sqoop Import statements concepts
  • Sqoop Export Statements concepts
  • Quest Data connectors flow
  • Incremental updating concepts
  • Creating a database in MySQL for importing to HDFS
  • Sqoop commands execution in shell/HUE

Module 7   (Duration :02:00:00)

Goal: Apache Flume is a distributed data collection service that gets the flow of data from their source and aggregates them to where they need to be processed.

Objectives – Upon completing this module, you should be able to understand Apache Flume is a distributed data collection service that gets the flow of data from their source and aggregates the data to sink.

  • Flume provides a reliable and scalable agent mode to ingest data into HDFS.


Apache Flume

  • Introduction to Flume & features
  • Flume topology & core concepts
  • Property file parameters logic

Module 8   (Duration :02:00:00)

Goal: Hue is a web front end offered by the ClouderaVM to Apache Hadoop.

 Objectives – Upon completing this module, you should be able to understand how to use hue for hive, pig,oozie.


Apache HUE

  • Introduction to Hue design
  • Hue architecture flow/UI interface

Module 9   (Duration :02:00:00)

Goal: Following are the goals of ZooKeeper:

  • Serialization ensures avoidance of delay in reading or write operations.
  • Reliability persists when an update is applied by a user in the cluster.
  • Atomicity does not allow partial results. Any user update can either succeed or fail.
  • Simple Application Programming Interface or API provides an interface for development and implementation.

Objectives – Upon completing this module, you should be able to understand ZooKeeper provides a simple and high-performance kernel for building more complex clients.

  • ZooKeeper has three basic entities—Leader, Follower, and Observer.
  • Watch is used to get the notification of all followers and observers to the leaders.


Apache Zookeeper

  • Introduction to zookeeper concepts
  • Zookeeper principles & usage in Hadoop framework
  • Basics of Zookeeper

Module 10   (Duration :05:00:00)


Explain different configurations of the Hadoop cluster

  • Identify different parameters for performance monitoring and performance tuning
  • Explain the configuration of security parameters in Hadoop.

Objectives – Upon completing this module, you should be able to understand  Hadoop can be optimized based on the infrastructure and available resources.

  • Hadoop is an open-source application and the support provided for complicated optimization is less.
  • Optimization is performed through XML files.
  • Logs are the best medium through which an administrator can understand a problem and troubleshoot it accordingly.
  • Hadoop relies on the Kerberos based security mechanism.


Administration concepts

  • Principles of Hadoop administration & its importance
  • Hadoop admin commands explanation
  • Balancer concepts
  • Rolling upgrade mechanism explanation

Hadoop Training Course Highlights

1) Our Training Center batch sizes are generally very small size 3-5 members OR 1 to 1 also, so students receive direct, hands-on training from us.

2) 100% practical training only. It is not a slide show training program / theory class program. 

3) At the end of this class, definitely you will refer your colleagues / friends / relatives for our training.

4) Conducting regularly online Hadoop training for US peoples in all time zones (PST,CST,EST,HST,MST)

5) Installation of Softwares in your desktop / laptop will be done.

6) Will be provided self evaluation testing software, exam simulator, dumps & books with this training.

7) Continuous support is provided for any of your on-site problems. Assistance will be provided and you will be recommended to some of IT development firms.

Why Enroll with IICT for Hadoop Training Course ?

1) Two days free trial - If candidate likes this course, these days are adjusted in his actual schedule.

2) Live Project Exposure of Fortune companies.

3) Training by Subject Matter experts from CMM Level 5 companies

4) Both Online and Classroom Training offered at Hadoop

5) Our basic course worth more than the advanced course of other institutes/freelancers.

6) Free Interview preparations.

7) 100% free assistance for Hadoop certifications.

8) Practical and Hands on Training for Hadoop Course .

9) 100 % guarantee in succeeding the certification at affordable fees.

10) Also provide online training to students of foreign countries.

Hadoop Trainer Profile

  • More than 10+ Years of Experience.
  • Trained more than 5000+ students in a year.
  • Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge.
  • Hadoop Certified Professionals with High Grade.
  • Well connected with Hiring HRs in multinational companies.
  • Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
  • Trainers have Experienced on multiple real-time projects in their Industries.
  • Our Trainers are working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies etc

Hadoop Placement Training

  • More than 5000+ students Trained
  • 2000+ students Placed
  • 1100+ Interviews Organaized
  • Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge
  • Hadoop certified Professionals



Frequenty Asked Questions

Data Warehousing Course at IICT is designed & conducted by Data Warehousing experts with 10+ years of experience in the Data Warehousing domain Only institution in Chennai with the right blend of theory & practical sessions In-depth Course coverage for 45+ Hours More than 15,000+ students trust IICT Affordable fees keeping students and IT working professionals in mind Course timings designed to suit working professionals and students Interview tips and training Resume building support Real-time projects and case studies.
We are proud to state that in the last 10+ years of our operations we have trained over 25,000+ aspirants to well-employed IT professionals in various IT companies.
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Data Warehousing. The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
More than 10 years we are into Data Warehousing Training domain. We are doing training across Chennai.
We at IICT believe in giving individual attention to students so that they will be in a position to clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and difficult topics. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Selenium batch to 5 or 6 members.
We are happy and proud to say that we have strong relationship with over 600+ small, mid-sized and MNCs. Many of these companies have openings for Data Warehousing Specialist. Moreover, we have a very active placement cell that provides 100% placement assistance to our students. The cell also contributes by training students in mock interviews and discussions even after the course completion.
Our Data Warehousing faculty members are industry experts who have extensive experience in the field handing real-time application and completing mega real-time projects in Data Warehousing in different sectors of the industry. The students can rest assured that they are being taught by the best of the best from the Data Warehousing industry.
We accept Cash, Card, Bank transfer and G Pay.
You will receive IICT globally recognized course completion certification.
Yes, IICT provides group discounts for its training programs. To get more details, visit our website and contact our support team via Call, Email, Live Chat option or drop a Quick Enquiry. Depending on the group size, we offer discounts as per the terms and conditions.


Training Experiences with Us