Oracle SQL Training

IICT is the No.1 Oracle SQL Training Institute trained 5000+ Students in Oracle SQL Course with 100% Placement & Certification Support.

IICT Training Institute, provides real-time and placement focused Oracle SQL training . Our Oracle SQL Training course includes basic to advanced level and our Oracle SQL course is designed to get the placement in good MNC companies as quickly as once you complete the Oracle SQL courses with placement. Our Oracle SQL trainers are Oracle SQL database certified experts and experienced working professionals with hands on real time multiple Oracle SQL projects knowledge. We have designed our Oracle SQL course content and syllabus based on students requirement to achieve everyone's career goal. In our Oracle SQL training program, you will learn from the scratch to advanced level along with Oracle SQL real time project and Oracle SQL placement training.

These class have very good scope is used in many health Care industries.

Oracle SQL Certification Center

IICT Training Institute Chennai Centre offers Oracle SQL Courses with choice of both online and classroom training in  Chennai. IICT is awarded as the best Oracle SQL Certification Institute. Our Oracle SQL training centers are equipped with lab facilities and excellent infrastructure. We have the best Oracle SQL training institutes with placement, also provide Oracle SQL certification training path for our students. Through our Oracle SQL Training Center, we have trained more than 5000+ students and placed 2000+ students through our training and placement program.

Oracle SQL Training Reviews

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Training Batchs

Weekdays Training 01-07-2024 31-07-2024 Monday - Friday
Weekend Days Training 01-06-2024 31-07-2024 Saturday - Sunday
Fast Track Training 01-07-2024 16-07-2024 Monday - Friday

Oracle SQL Training Course Syllabus

This Oracle Database: SQL and PL/SQL training delivers the fundamentals of SQL and PL/SQL along with the benefits of the programming languages using Oracle Database technology. You'll explore the concepts of relational databases.

1. Basic DATABASE Concept and SQL

  • Basic history of database concept: DBMS, RDBMS, ORDBMS
  • Advantage of ORACLE database and version information
  • Interface tools usage: sqlplus, isqlplus, sqldeveloper, Toad
  • SQL Language overview : DQL, DML, DDL, DCL, TCL
  • What is the usage of ANSI standard.
  • SELECT Command - Column Alias Rules, String data,
  • Concatenations with various data
  • Null Value handling with number and characters,
  • Arithmetic Operator
  • Concatenation Operator,
  • Eliminating Duplicate Rows

2. Restricting and Sorting Data

  • WHERE Clause - Character Strings and Dates, number
  • General Comparison Conditions = > >= < <= <>
  • Other Comparison BETWEEN , IN , LIKE , NULL
  • Logical Conditions AND OR NOT
  • ORDER BY Clause, Sorting by Column Alias , Column Position, Multiple Columns

3. Single-Row Functions

  • Number Functions: ROUND, TRUNC, MOD, POWER, CEIL , FLOOR, ABS
  • Conversion Functions: Implicit Data-Type Conversion & Explicit Data-Type Conversion, TO_CHAR ,TO_NUMBER ,TO_DATE
  • General Functions: NVL , NVL2 , NULLIF, COALESCE
  • CASE Expression, DECODE
  • Nested function with real-time usage


  • INNER JOIN, JOIN ... USING clause, JOIN ... ON clause,
  • Multi table Joins, Complex Joins – How to simplified complex joins.

5. Multi-row Functions

  • Group Functions Rules, SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT, AVG
  • Creating Groups of Data: GROUP BY Clause
  • Filtering Group Results: The HAVING Clause

6. Sub-queries

  • Single-Row Subqueries- Rules, Operators : = > >= < <= <>
  • Null Values in a Subquery
  • Multi-Row Subqueries- Rules, Operators : IN, ANY , ALL

7. Reporting data using interface commands

  • pagesize, linesize , column heading , column format , colsep
  • tTitle , bTitle , break on column, spool , CSV file generation, Text file generation

8. Data Manipulation Language DML and Transaction Control Language TCL


9. Data Definition Language - DDL

  • Constrain table copy

10. Constraints

  • Column Level Constraint, Table Level Constraint – Naming constraints and usage
  • Adding a Constraint, Dropping a Constraint,
  • Disabling Constraints, Enabling Constraints
  • Validating Constraints


  • Simple Views and Complex Views – Create, Drop, Source Code
  • Rules for Performing DML Operations on a View
  • Inline Views
  • Materialized View – Create, Refresh, Drop - Usage

12. Other Database Objects

  • Sequence- NEXTVAL and CURRVAL
  • Index - When to Create an Index, When Not to Create an Index.
  • Synonyms


  • Creating Users
  • Granting / Revoking Privileges
  • Creating and Granting Privileges to a Role

14. Dictionary Tables

  • Tables, Views, Synonyms, Index, Sequence, Constrains, Source and other Dictionary

15. SET Operators

  • UNION ,

16. Advanced Date-time Functions

  • Storing time zone data in Table

17. Advanced GROUP BY Clause

  • Group by with ROLLUP,
  • Group by with CUBE,

18. Advanced Subqueries

  • Pairwise Comparison Subquery ,
  • Nonpairwise Comparison Subquery
  • Correlated Subqueries,
  • Correlated UPDATE,
  • Correlated DELETE
  • EXISTS , NOT EXISTS Operator

19. Hierarchical Retrieval

  • Walking the Tree: From the Bottom Up , From the Top Down
  • LEVEL Pseudo column,
  • Connect by prior,

20. Multi-table Insert

  • Unconditional INSERT ALL
  • Conditional INSERT ALL
  • Conditional FIRST INSERT


  • SQLLDR – Loading CSV file / Flat file into ORACLE table.

22. Analytic Functions

  • Query_by partition_clause with sum, min, max, avg, count,
  • order_by_clause with sum, min, max, avg, count,
  • Psudo column : Rownum, Rowid, - Elimination duplicate data
  • Connect by rownum , Connect by Level – Generating random numbers, random dates,
  • Quote Operator syntax and usage

23. Backup

  • Export / Import SCHEMA

24. General discussion

  • What is migration?
  • Migration Estimating, Planning, Preparation – Simple Scenario / Complex Scenario.

Analytic SQL for Data Warehouse Developers Course Content

Oracle Database SQL and Data Warehousing Training

Grouping and Aggregating Data Using SQL

  • Generating Reports by Grouping Related Data
  • Review of Group Functions
  • Reviewing GROUP BY and HAVING Clause
  • Using the ROLLUP and CUBE Operators
  • Using the GROUPING Function
  • Working with GROUPING SET Operators and Composite Columns
  • Using Concatenated Groupings with Example

Hierarchical Retrieval

  • Using Hierarchical Queries
  • Sample Data from the EMPLOYEES Table
  • Natural Tree Structure
  • Hierarchical Queries: Syntax
  • Walking the Tree: Specifying the Starting Point
  • Walking the Tree: Specifying the Direction of the Query
  • Using the WITH Clause
  • Hierarchical Query Example: Using the CONNECT BY Clause

Working with Regular Expressions

  • Introducing Regular Expressions
  • Using the Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions in SQL and PL/SQL
  • Introducing Metacharacters
  • Using Metacharacters with Regular Expressions
  • Regular Expressions Functions and Conditions: Syntax
  • Performing a Basic Search Using the REGEXP_LIKE Condition
  • Finding Patterns Using the REGEXP_INSTR Function
  • Extracting Substrings Using the REGEXP_SUBSTR Function

Analyzing and Reporting Data Using SQL

  • Overview of SQL for Analysis and Reporting Functions
  • Using Analytic Functions
  • Using the Ranking Functions
  • Using Reporting Functions

Performing Pivoting and Unpivoting Operations

  • Performing Pivoting Operations
  • Using the PIVOT and UNPIVOT Clauses
  • Pivoting on the QUARTER Column: Conceptual Example
  • Performing Unpivoting Operations
  • Using the UNPIVOT Clause Columns in an UNPIVOT Operation
  • Creating a New Pivot Table: Example

Pattern Matching using SQL

  • Row Pattern Navigation Operations
  • Handling Empty Matches or Unmatched Rows
  • Excluding Portions of the Pattern from the Output
  • Expressing All Permutations
  • Rules and Restrictions in Pattern Matching
  • Examples of Pattern Matching

Modeling Data Using SQL

  • Using the MODEL clause
  • Demonstrating Cell and Range References
  • Using the CV Function
  • Using FOR Construct with IN List Operator, incremental values and Subqueries
  • Using Analytic Functions in the SQL MODEL Clause
  • Distinguishing Missing Cells from NULLs
  • Using the UPDATE, UPSERT and UPSERT ALL Options
  • Reference Models

Oracle SQL Statement Tuning Course Content

Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture

  • Describe the major architectural components of Oracle Database server
  • Explain memory structures
  • Describe background processes
  • Correlate logical and physical storage structures

Introduction to SQL Tuning

  • Describe what attributes of a SQL statement can make it perform poorly
  • Describe the Oracle tools that can be used to tune SQL
  • Explain the tuning tasks

Introduction to the Optimizer

  • Describe the execution steps of a SQL statement
  • Explain the need for an optimizer
  • Explain the various phases of optimization
  • Control the behavior of the optimizer

Interpreting Execution Plans

  • Gather execution plans
  • Display execution plans, display xplan
  • Interpret execution plans

Application Tracing

  • Configure the SQL Trace facility to collect session statistics
  • Use the trcsess utility to consolidate SQL trace files
  • Format trace files using the tkprof utility
  • Interpret the output of the tkprof command

Optimizer Operations

  • Describe the SQL operations for tables and indexes
  • Describe the possible access paths for tables and indexes

Optimizer: Join Operations

  • Describe the SQL operations for joins
  • Describe the possible access paths for joins

Other Optimizer Operations

  • Describe Clusters, In-List, Sorts, Filters and Set Operations
  • Use Result Cache operations

Case Study: Star Transformation

  • Define a star schema, a star query plan without transformation and a star query plan after transformation

Optimizer Statistics

  • Gather optimizer statistics
  • Gather system statistics
  • Set statistic preferences
  • Use dynamic sampling
  • Manipulate optimizer statistics

Using Bind Variables

  • Explain the benefits of using bind variables
  • Use bind peeking
  • Use adaptive cursor sharing

SQL Tuning Advisor

  • Describe statement profiling
  • Use SQL Tuning Advisor

Using SQL Access Advisor

  • Use SQL Access Advisor

Automating SQL Tuning

  • Use Automatic SQL Tuning

SQL Plan Management

  • Manage SQL performance through changes
  • Set up SQL Plan Management
  • Set up various SQL Plan Management scenarios

Using Optimizer Hints

  • Use hints when appropriate
  • Specify hints for Optimizer mode, Query transformation, Access path, Join orders, Join methods and Views

Parallel Queries

Parallel Processing Concepts

  • Explain what parallel processing is and why is it useful

Basics of Parallel Execution

  • Describe operations that can be parallelized
  • Explain parallel execution theory
  • Understand impact of initiali zation parameter on parallel execution

Manual DOP Management

  • Understand an explain plan of a parallel query
  • Understand an explain plan of parallel DML and DDL

Simplified Auto DOP

  • Understand the new parameters of Auto DOP
  • Explain when to use Auto DOP
  • Use Auto DOP

Statement Queuing

  • Explain statement queuing, concurrency and DBRM

In-Memory Parallel execution

  • Use in-memory parallel execution

Data Warehouse Administration

Partitioning Concepts

  • Explain the available partitioning strategies
  • Explain partition pruning
  • Implement partition enhancements in star query optimization

Materialized Views

  • Use summaries to improve performance
  • Differentiate materialized view types

Oracle PLSQL Training Course Content


  • Course Objectives
  • Course Agenda
  • Human Resources (HR) Schema
  • Introduction to SQL Developer

Introduction to PL/SQL

  • PL/SQL Overview
  • Benefits of PL/SQL Subprograms
  • Overview of the Types of PL/SQL blocks
  • Create a Simple Anonymous Block
  • Generate Output from a PL/SQL Block

PL/SQL Identifiers

  • List the different Types of Identifiers in a PL/SQL subprogram
  • Usage of the Declarative Section to define Identifiers
  • Use variables to store data
  • Identify Scalar Data Types
  • The %TYPE Attribute
  • What are Bind Variables?
  • Sequences in PL/SQL Expressions

Write Executable Statements

  • Describe Basic PL/SQL Block Syntax Guidelines
  • Comment Code
  • Deployment of SQL Functions in PL/SQL
  • How to convert Data Types?
  • Nested Blocks
  • Identify the Operators in PL/SQL

Interaction with the Oracle Server

  • Invoke SELECT Statements in PL/SQL to Retrieve data
  • Data Manipulation in the Server Using PL/SQL
  • SQL Cursor concept
  • Usage of SQL Cursor Attributes to Obtain Feedback on DML
  • Save and Discard Transactions

Control Structures

  • Conditional processing Using IF Statements
  • Conditional processing Using CASE Statements
  • Use simple Loop Statement
  • Use While Loop Statement
  • Use For Loop Statement
  • Describe the Continue Statement

Composite Data Types

  • Use PL/SQL Records
  • The %ROWTYPE Attribute
  • Insert and Update with PL/SQL Records
  • Associative Arrays (INDEX BY Tables)
  • Examine INDEX BY Table Methods
  • Use INDEX BY Table of Records

Explicit Cursors

  • What are Explicit Cursors?
  • Declare the Cursor
  • Open the Cursor
  • Fetch data from the Cursor
  • Close the Cursor
  • Cursor FOR loop
  • Explicit Cursor Attributes
  • FOR UPDATE Clause and WHERE CURRENT Clause

Exception Handling

  • Understand Exceptions
  • Handle Exceptions with PL/SQL
  • Trap Predefined Oracle Server Errors
  • Trap Non-Predefined Oracle Server Errors
  • Trap User-Defined Exceptions
  • Propagate Exceptions

Stored Procedures and Functions

  • Understand Stored Procedures and Functions
  • Differentiate between anonymous blocks and subprograms
  • Create a Simple Procedure
  • Create a Simple Procedure with IN parameter
  • Create a Simple Function
  • Execute a Simple Procedure
  • Execute a Simple Function

Create Stored Procedures

  • Create a Modularized and Layered Subprogram Design
  • Modularize Development With PL/SQL Blocks
  • Describe the PL/SQL Execution Environment
  • Identity the benefits of Using PL/SQL Subprograms
  • List the differences Between Anonymous Blocks and Subprograms
  • Create, Call, and Remove Stored Procedures Using the CREATE Command and SQL Developer
  • Implement Procedures Parameters and Parameters Modes
  • View Procedures Information Using the Data Dictionary Views and SQL Developer

Create Stored Functions

  • Create, Call, and Remove a Stored Function Using the CREATE Command and SQL Developer
  • Identity the advantages of Using Stored Functions in SQL Statements
  • List the steps to create a stored function
  • Implement User-Defined Functions in SQL Statements
  • Identity the restrictions when calling Functions from SQL statements
  • Control Side Effects when calling Functions from SQL Expressions
  • View Functions Information

Create Packages

  • Identity the advantages of Packages
  • Describe Packages
  • List the components of a Package
  • Develop a Package
  • How to enable visibility of a Package€™s components?
  • Create the Package Specification and Body Using the SQL CREATE Statement and SQL Developer
  • Invoke Package Constructs
  • View PL/SQL Source Code Using the Data Dictionary


  • Overloading Subprograms in PL/SQL
  • Use the STANDARD Package
  • Use Forward Declarations to Solve Illegal Procedure Reference
  • Implement Package Functions in SQL and Restrictions
  • Persistent State of Packages
  • Persistent State of a Package Cursor
  • Control Side Effects of PL/SQL Subprograms
  • Invoke PL/SQL Tables of Records in Packages

Implement Oracle-Supplied Packages in Application Development

  • What are Oracle-Supplied Packages?
  • Examples of Some of the Oracle-Supplied Packages
  • How Does the DBMS_OUTPUT Package Work?
  • Use the UTL_FILE Package to Interact With Operating System Files
  • Invoke the UTL_MAIL Package
  • Write UTL_MAIL Subprograms

Dynamic SQL

  • The Execution Flow of SQL
  • What is Dynamic SQL?
  • Declare Cursor Variables
  • Dynamically executing a PL/SQL Block
  • Configure Native Dynamic SQL to Compile PL/SQL Code
  • Invoke DBMS_SQL Package
  • Implement DBMS_SQL with a Parameterized DML Statement
  • Dynamic SQL Functional Completeness

Design Considerations for PL/SQL Code

  • Standardize Constants and Exceptions
  • Understand Local Subprograms
  • Write Autonomous Transactions
  • Implement the NOCOPY Compiler Hint
  • Invoke the PARALLEL_ENABLE Hint
  • The Cross-Session PL/SQL Function Result Cache
  • The DETERMINISTIC Clause with Functions
  • Usage of Bulk Binding to Improve Performance


  • Describe Triggers
  • Identify the Trigger Event Types and Body
  • Business Application Scenarios for Implementing Triggers
  • Create DML Triggers Using the CREATE TRIGGER Statement and SQL Developer
  • Identify the Trigger Event Types, Body, and Firing (Timing)
  • Statement Level Triggers Versus Row Level Triggers
  • Create Instead of and Disabled Triggers
  • How to Manage, Test, and Remove Triggers?

Create Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers

  • What are Compound Triggers?
  • Identify the Timing-Point Sections of a Table Compound Trigger
  • Compound Trigger Structure for Tables and Views
  • Implement a Compound Trigger to Resolve the Mutating Table Error
  • Compare Database Triggers to Stored Procedures
  • Create Triggers on DDL Statements
  • Create Database-Event and System-Event Triggers
  • System Privileges Required to Manage Triggers

The PL/SQL Compiler

  • What is the PL/SQL Compiler?
  • Describe the Initialization Parameters for PL/SQL Compilation
  • List the New PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings
  • Overview of PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings for Subprograms
  • List the benefits of Compiler Warnings
  • List the PL/SQL Compile Time Warning Messages Categories
  • Setting the Warning Messages Levels: Using SQL Developer, PLSQL_WARNINGS Initialization Parameter, and the DBMS_WARNING Package Subprograms
  • View Compiler Warnings: Using SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, or the Data Dictionary Views

Manage PL/SQL Code

  • What Is Conditional Compilation?
  • Implement Selection Directives
  • Invoke Predefined and User-Defined Inquiry Directives
  • The PLSQL_CCFLAGS Parameter and the Inquiry Directive
  • Conditional Compilation Error Directives to Raise User-Defined Errors
  • The DBMS_DB_VERSION Package
  • Write DBMS_PREPROCESSOR Procedures to Print or Retrieve Source Text
  • Obfuscation and Wrapping PL/SQL Code

Manage Dependencies

  • Overview of Schema Object Dependencies
  • Query Direct Object Dependencies using the USER_DEPENDENCIES View
  • Query an Object€™s Status
  • Invalidation of Dependent Objects
  • Display the Direct and Indirect Dependencies
  • Fine-Grained Dependency Management in Oracle Database 11g
  • Understand Remote Dependencies
  • Recompile a PL/SQL Program Unit

Designing PL/SQL Code

  • Describe the predefined data types
  • Create subtypes based on existing types for an application
  • List the different guidelines for cursor design
  • Cursor variables

Using Collections

  • Overview of collections
  • Use Associative arrays
  • Use Nested tables
  • Use VARRAYs
  • Compare nested tables and VARRAYs
  • Write PL/SQL programs that use collections
  • Use Collections effectively

Manipulating Large Objects

  • Describe a LOB object
  • Use BFILEs
  • Use DBMS_LOB.READ and DBMS_LOB.WRITE to manipulate LOBs
  • Create a temporary LOB programmatically with the DBMS_LOB package
  • Introduction to SecureFile LOBs
  • Use SecureFile LOBs to store documents
  • Convert BasicFile LOBs to SecureFile LOB format
  • Enable reduplication and compression

Using Advanced Interface Methods

  • Calling External Procedures from PL/SQL
  • Benefits of External Procedures
  • C advanced interface methods
  • Java advanced interface methods

Performance and Tuning

  • Understand and influence the compiler
  • Tune PL/SQL code
  • Enable intra unit inlining
  • Identify and tune memory issues
  • Recognize network issues

Improving Performance with Caching

  • Describe result caching
  • Use SQL query result cache
  • PL/SQL function cache
  • Review PL/SQL function cache considerations

Analyzing PL/SQL Code

  • Finding Coding Information
  • Collecting PL/Scope Data

Profiling and Tracing PL/SQL Code

  • Tracing PL/SQL Execution
  • Tracing PL/SQL: Steps

Implementing VPD with Fine-Grained Access Control

  • Understand how fine-grained access control works overall
  • Describe the features of fine-grained access control
  • Describe an application context
  • Create an application context
  • Set an application context
  • List the DBMS_RLS procedures
  • Implement a policy
  • Query the dictionary views holding information on fine-grained access

Safeguarding Your Code Against SQL Injection Attacks

  • SQL Injection Overview
  • Reducing the Attack Surface
  • Avoiding Dynamic SQL
  • Using Bind Arguments
  • Filtering Input with DBMS_ASSERT
  • Designing Code Immune to SQL Injections
  • Testing Code for SQL Injection Flaws

Use XML for SQL and PL/SQL Developers

  • Use Oracle XML DB repository.
  • Search and Retrieve XML data.
  • Manage XML storage in Oracle XML DB.
  • Manipulate and generate XML data.
  • Use XQuery.
  • Use PL/SQL APIs for XML.

Oracle SQL Training Course Highlights

1) My batch sizes are generally very small size 3-5 members OR 1 to 1 also, so students receive direct, hands-on training from us.

2) 100% practical training only. It is not a slide show training program / theory class program. At the end of this class, definitely

3) you will refer your colleagues / friends / relatives for my training.

4) Conducting regularly online Oracle SQL training for US peoples in all time zones (PST,CST,EST,HST,MST)

5) Installation of Softwares in your desktop / laptop will be done.

6) Will be provided self evaluation testing software, exam simulator, dumps & books with this training.

7) Continuous support is provided for any of your on-site problems. Assistance will be provided and you will be recommended to some of IT development firms.

Why Enroll with IICT for Oracle SQL Training Course ?

1) Two days free trial - If candidate likes this course, these days are adjusted in his actual schedule.

2) Live Project Exposure of Fortune companies.

3) Training by Subject Matter experts from CMM Level 5 companies

4) Both Online and Classroom Training offered at Oracle SQL

5) Our basic course worth more than the advanced course of other institutes/freelancers.

6) Free Interview preparations.

7) 100% free assistance for Oracle SQL certifications.

8) Practical and Hands on Training for Oracle SQL Course .

9) 100 % guarantee in succeeding the certification at affordable fees.

10) Also provide online training to students of foreign countries.

Oracle SQL Trainer Profile

  • More than 9+ Years of experience in Oracle Technologies
  • Has worked on 9 realtime Oracle projects
  • Working in a MNC company
  • Trained 5000+ Students so far


Oracle SQL Placement Training

  • More than 5000+ students Trained
  • 2000+ students Placed
  • 1100+ Interviews Organaized
  • Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge
  • Oracle certified Professionals




Frequenty Asked Questions

Oracle Course at IICT is designed & conducted by Oracle experts with 10+ years of experience in the Oracle domain Only institution in Chennai with the right blend of theory & practical sessions In-depth Course coverage for 45+ Hours More than 15,000+ students trust IICT Affordable fees keeping students and IT working professionals in mind Course timings designed to suit working professionals and students Interview tips and training Resume building support Real-time projects and case studies.
We are proud to state that in the last 10+ years of our operations we have trained over 25,000+ aspirants to well-employed IT professionals in various IT companies.
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Oracle. The course is made up of theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
More than 10 years we are into Oracle Training domain. We are doing training across Chennai.
We at IICT believe in giving individual attention to students so that they will be in a position to clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and difficult topics. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Selenium batch to 5 or 6 members.
We are happy and proud to say that we have strong relationship with over 600+ small, mid-sized and MNCs. Many of these companies have openings for Oracle Specialist. Moreover, we have a very active placement cell that provides 100% placement assistance to our students. The cell also contributes by training students in mock interviews and discussions even after the course completion.
Our Oracle faculty members are industry experts who have extensive experience in the field handing real-time application and completing mega real-time projects in Oracle in different sectors of the industry. The students can rest assured that they are being taught by the best of the best from the Oracle industry.
We accept Cash, Card, Bank transfer and G Pay.
You will receive IICT globally recognized course completion certification.
Yes, IICT provides group discounts for its training programs. To get more details, visit our website and contact our support team via Call, Email, Live Chat option or drop a Quick Enquiry. Depending on the group size, we offer discounts as per the terms and conditions.


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